The mission

Dedicated to curing leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and other blood cancers, we are now The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), the world's largest voluntary (nonprofit) health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research and providing education and patient services.

LLS Visionary of the year

We are happy to announce that our very own Shoppe Manager, Susannah Downer, is a Candidate for the 2024 Visionary of the Year fundraising campaign benefiting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). 

Many members of our team, including my husband Patrick, have participated in these fundraising efforts over the years. Personally, I have a close connection to leukemia as my cousin Karen battled the disease for most of her life and sadly passed away at the age of 21. I spent most of my childhood witnessing the journey of her story through the intense surgeries, treatments and brief moments of remission. Her leukemia unfortunately came back multiple times and robbed her of a normal childhood. During the moments that she was able to participate in normal activities, Karen was an avid swimmer. I like to think she lives on in my son’s love for swimming in a special way. Although Karen’s passing in 2016 is a difficult part of her story to tell, I know that our efforts in raising money are allowing other children to hopefully live longer and grow closer to a cure. I hope you will join us in this journey. 

As many of you may know, Susannah is near and dear to our hearts - more than our manager, but part of our family. For her to accept this challenge fills our heart with pride. To help in these fundraising efforts, I designed two special pieces for our clothing collection that will specifically raise money for LLS. For every garment purchased, we will donate a large portion of sales to Susannah’s campaign. Our effort to invite joy into the lives of our customers will hopefully pass onto leukemia patients and families. 

We are honored to raise money for Karen’s legacy and we hope you will join us. 

You may also make an independent donation to Susannah’s campaign by clicking here. 

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